If Apple
hadn't offered a
free weekend test-drive
of the Mac 128k, Clients
& Profits might never
have happened.
Mark Robillard, the creator of Clients & Profits, was a San
Diego State senior in
1984 when the Macintosh
appeared one day on a
counter at the student
store. "There was a line
out the door to try MacPaint,"
he remembers. "I waited
an hour for my turn, and
when I first touched the
mouse I knew I wanted
His obsession with
the Mac began that day.
"When Apple offered a
free test-drive for a
weekend that fall, I jumped
on it" even he knew he
couldn't afford it. As
a college student, finding
$2,500 to buy it was impossible. "I gave it back on Monday,
but was now driven to
use it." By the spring
of 1985, he was in Los
Angeles selling Macs at
Computerland. It was there
he met the ad agency owner
who inspired him to create
Clients & Profits for
the shop's Macs.
"I loved all the things that made a Mac a Mac," Mark says. "I
love the consistency and
uniformity as much as the
sheer elegance of the windows,
menus, and other GUI elements. It was
a very inspiring and exciting
time to be a software designer."
Making Clients & Profits 1.0 in the apartment,
Throughout the company's 20-year
Mark has used Macs to develop
Clients & Profits. The company's
collection of vintage Macs
includes every model used to
create a major version of Clients
& Profits.
"One of the best things about being in this business
is buying every new Mac that
comes out," he says. Having
long ago replaced his desktop
Macs for laptops, he now uses
a 17" MacBook Pro exclusively.
"The Mac keeps me thinking
like a creative, and that motivates
everything I do. It works for
me, and it's worked for my
clients. I wouldn't want to
work any other way."