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Creative Brief

The creative brief is a worksheet that creatives and account service can use to define the job’s creative, production, and strategic goals. It provides focus and direction for those managing and working on the job. It can be used to document the strategic, creative steps the agency will perform to design and produce the work.

  • Click this button to clear all fields for this creative brief.

    To print this creative brief, click this button. A preview of how the creative brief will look can be seen on the right hand side of this window.

    Section titles can include the following: Project Description, Target Audience, Purpose, Style & Tone, Copy Points, Benefits, Call to Action, and Legal/Technical Requirements. The section headings may vary depending upon the type of job.

    Enter as much text as you feel is necessary to describe what is needed to reach the goal of the job based on the creative brief heading.

    The intials of the person who added this creative brief will appear here, along with the intials of the person who revised it, and the date and time of the last revision.

    A preview of the creative brief will appear here. This is helpful when you're ready to print the creative brief, which you can do by clicking the print button at any time.

    To request for this creative brief to be approved, click the request approval link. Once the creative brief is ready to be approved, click the approved checkbox. The intials of the staffer who approved this creative brief will appear here, along with the date and time that the creative brief was approved.

Typically, the creative brief was written by the account executive or creative director in a word processor, then attached to the printed estimate. Its usual function was to supplement and justify the job’s estimate amounts.

With Clients & Profits, the creative brief is an integral function of the electronic job jacket. Like the work order, the creative brief is just another part of the job ticket. Because it’s part of the job ticket, anyone with access to jobs can see it. And because it’s on-line, changes that anyone makes to the creative brief updates the database instantly. Users will always be looking at the most up-to-date version on the creative brief.

Creative briefs aren’t required. Each job ticket has its own special creative brief. A creative brief contains eight sections, each with its own customizable heading and body. Not all of these sections need to be used; only the sections that have text will appear on the printed creative brief report.

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